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Help us to help more people!
Your tax-deductible donation will help us to keep on top of the latest therapeutic and scientific advances.
Every donation helps us to get closer to our goal of bringing relief to people struggling with depression, anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, among many other disorders.
“A third of Americans now show signs of clinical anxiety or depression”
Source: Census Bureau
With your gift we’ll be able to:
- develop the art and science of circadian rhythms
- perfect old treatments and pioneer new ones
- educate people in different countries, with different languages
- define the common interests of the public, patients, and professionals
- clarify the interface of environmental therapies and medications
- serve as critics of unfounded claims, as watchdogs in the public interest
- provide teachers with user-friendly, novel curricular materials
- offer a platform for scientists and clinicians to share their insights
More ways to make a difference
Funding is essential, but there are many other ways to become involved in the work of CET:
- Did you find a computer glitch when taking our self-assessments? Please report it!
- Did you click on a page link, yet the page doesn’t come up? Let us know!
- Did you catch a spelling error (or worse yet, a grammatical error)? Please point it out!
- Were you confused by something we wrote? Please tell us!
Your participation really makes a difference —
thank you for helping us help you and many others!
Please contact us at giving@cet.org for information about wire or stock transfers or if you are donating on behalf of a corporation.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your gift to CET is income tax-deductible in the U.S.