Our New Lives With COVID-19
What can chronobiology and environmental
therapeutics do to help sleep, mood, and health?
COVID-19 has changed our working, school, and private lives irreversibly. We have modified our daily habits to travel less, and work and study mainly from home. And we have retreated from social events and minimized our contact with others, which doesn’t make us happy or healthy.
Within a few months of the crisis, workers in our field have been able to offer a set of helpful hints and solid research results to support our sleep and mood, and resist infection.
FIRST, a Swiss study showed that the “lockdown”-induced relaxation of social schedules actually had positive effects on
people’s sleep, with increasing regularity of sleep-wake patterns and longer sleep duration. However, not everyone sleeps well in this unprecedented situation, probably because of the perceived burden and anticipation of negative consequences. Here is a summary of the results, which almost surely apply to other countries as well.
• When the Girdle of Social Timing Relaxes: Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Human Sleep
SECOND, three different research groups have provided remarkably similar and straightforward tips to healthy living in these unhealthy times. All of them focus on how to support our body clock and daily rhythms. They emphasize maintaining a regular daily pattern of wake-up and bedtime, and meals and exercise, with enough exposure to morning daylight, but limits on evening light (particularly from blue-ish screens).
• Sleeping Tips When Staying Indoors During Isolation Period
• Five Tips for Healthy Sleep During COVID-19 and After
• Depression and Anxiety in COVID-19 Survivors
An important consensus recommendation from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force on Chronobiology and Chronotherapy, and the Society for Light Treatment and Biologic Rhythms:
A remarkable fusion of lab science and community responsibility: Watch this 12-minute video, as Dr. Allison Brager tells her trenchant story about novel COVID-19 screening by her US Army team in a New York City field support hospital. As she says, “if you ever needed a scientist, this is the time a scientist should serve.” From the Society for Research in Biological Rhythms.
• Chronobiology on the COVID-19 frontlines
THIRD, there may be a way of reducing the local spread of viruses indoors by increasing the concentration of negative air ions. We know that viruses can spread from person to person via droplets formed after a cough or sneeze. It appears to be even worse indoors since the viruses stick to microparticles that are spread by air circulation.
High-density negative air ionization offers the triple benefit of creating the sensation of fresh air indoors, lifting mood and
mental sharpness, and removing infectious contaminants from the air circulation.
• Air Ions vs the Coronavirus
• Beyond Sanitizing and Social Distancing
Of further interest
From The New York Times:
• Stay 6 Feet Apart, We’re Told. But How Far Can Air Carry Coronavirus?
• Is the Virus on My Clothes? My Shoes? My Hair? My Newspaper?
• Exercise May Boost Your Vaccine Response
In a wide-ranging interview by the New York-Presbyterian Hospital (NYPH) press office, Michael Terman, CET’s president, wraps winter depression and COVID-19 desperation into a potent package, and shows how this double-whammy is treatable at home with environmental therapeutics.
• How to Fight Seasonal Depression Amid the Pandemic
From NBC Today, three wise men — Anthony Fauci MD of the National Institutes of Health, Jon Weingarten PsyD of the University of Pittsburgh, and Vaile Wright PhD of the American Psychological Association — offer complementary advice on constructively facing a winter with SAD + COVID-19. CET.org is cited as the destination site for guidance on light therapy.
• 8 ways to prepare for SAD in the time of COVID-19
COVID-somnia — a potential contributor to inflammatory disease — and current explorations of melatonin treatment.
• The Mysterious Link Between COVID-19 and Sleep
From the New Criterion, an incisive historical reminder of the origin of developing vaccines. In the thirties, a medical scientist
started incubating viruses in eggs….
From the Journal of the American Medical Association, The Arts and Medicine: Did Shakespeare write King Lear when in
quarantine during the plague? This article finds many wise sayings in the play that apply to our present situation.