When Should I Take My Blood Pressure Medication?
In recent years, the development of easy-to-use devices to continuously monitor blood pressure over 24 hours demonstrated that not only do blood pressure (BP)...
We Are Clockworks
Fifty years ago, circadian rhythm research underwent a monumental breakthrough with the discovery of a tiny area of the brain, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN),...
We Live in Bad Times for Good Entrainment
Entrainment is a crucial word in the dictionary of chronobiology. It means a close alignment between the internal body clock(s) and the external world...
An Ideal Marriage: Basic and Clinical Research in Chronobiology
Researchers studying single-cell blue-green algae or zebra fish, fruit flies or hamsters, often write at the bottom of their grant applications that, “Understanding basic...
The Ecological Impacts of Light at Night
The manifold biological uses of light have served organisms extremely well for millenia. But now, ever more rapidly, the great certainty that "night follows...
Light and Darkness Fundamentally Affect Biology
That "night follows day" has been of outstanding certainty to us humans (Hamlet, by William Shakespeare). And indeed, at any place on Earth, it...
Teen sleep: Too late, too little, or both?
Sleep in adolescents has been a significant concern in many countries around the globe. Scientists and physicians have determined that the optimal sleep need...
Life and Light in a Nursing Home
Light therapy was first developed to treat winter depression. Its rapid success led to using light in other areas of psychiatry, in particular for...
Expanding Clinical Applications of Light: Fibromyalgia and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Light exposure has profound effects on our mental and physical health. This isn’t surprising considering our physiology evolved in a 24-hour light:dark cycle. Light...
Do Circadian-Modifying Treatments Work for Bipolar Disorders? What the Evidence Shows
The Center for Environmental Therapeutics is dedicated to the promotion of non-pharmacologic, natural treatments, many of which are thought to act on our biological...