Can we develop a solar-based architecture?  

The element of time is essential to architecture. To create buildings, we should study how human activity changes during the day and during the...

Five Tips for Healthy Sleep During COVID-19 and After

About one-third of the adult population in Europe complains about disruptive sleep problems. That is, under normal circumstances. The situation brought about by COVID-19...

Letter to My “Quarterly Club” Patients

I write this on August 1,  2020.  August 1st is a date celebrated by the ancients, as Lammas, or the harvest holiday, when the...

Sleep and Aging: Why Does Sleep Change as We Age?

Sleep is controlled by our “sleep need” and by our circadian clock. This “two-process” model of sleep basically says that we have to be...

Depression and Anxiety in COVID-19 Survivors

“After three weeks of treatments, I was healing from COVID, at home, had no fever, and just a little cough. But sometimes at night,...

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