You suggest on your site that a light source should “provide 10,000 lux at a comfortable distance.” Yet one of your recommended light box...

A reader asks:  You suggest on your site that a light source should "provide 10,000 lux at a comfortable distance." Yet...

 I use my light box for about 30 minutes each morning. However, I’ve been thinking about ways to brighten up my rooms all day....

A reader asks:  I use my light box for about 30 minutes each morning. However, I've been thinking about ways to...

In all of the books I have read regarding SAD, they show a dawn simulator that looks like a set of track lights. I...

A reader asks:  In all of the books I have read regarding SAD, they show a dawn simulator that looks like...

Have you been able to determine how many kilowatts the 10,000 lux device uses? Specifically, how much electrical cost will daily 30-minute usage add...

A reader asks:  Have you been able to determine how many kilowatts the 10,000 lux device uses? Specifically, how much electrical...

Is there any kind of device I could use to see how much light comes off my light box at 24 inches? I am...

A reader asks: Is there any kind of device I could use to see how much light comes off my light...

I work in our local cancer research center. A lovely man comes in who may be suffering with SAD syndrome. 1. Should he first...

A reader asks:  I work in our local cancer research center. A lovely man comes in who may be suffering with...

Wouldn’t more outside light benefit me as much as a light box could?

A reader asks:  Wouldn’t more outside light benefit me as much as a light box could?Answer: Some people who live and work...

Is 7500 lux enough for effective light therapy treatment?

A reader asks: Is 7500 lux really enough? Will it significantly increase the length of time I need to sit in...

 Can you tell me if someone who has had one of the following treatments, and was advised not to be exposed to sunlight, might...

A reader asks:  Can you tell me if someone who has had one of the following treatments, and was advised not...

What is the cost of this light apparatus to the patient?

A reader asks:  What is the cost of this light apparatus to the patient?Answer: Research volunteers in all our clinical trials are...

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