I used to be a night owl only — I could not fall asleep until 1-2 a.m. and then always had trouble getting up...
A reader asks:
I used to be a night owl only -- I could not fall asleep until 1-2 a.m. and...
Most of the equipment referred to by your questioners, as well as that sold for depression treatment, uses fluorescent tubes. Have incandescent sources been...
A reader asks:
Most of the equipment referred to by your questioners, as well as that sold for depression treatment, uses...
I seem to have reverse SAD–every year I get depressed in April and it gets worse until end of summer. I feel my best...
A reader asks:
I seem to have reverse SAD--every year I get depressed in April and it gets worse until end...
I think I have delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS). I took the Automated Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire and got some interesting suggestions I’d like to try....
A reader asks:
I think I have delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS). I took the Automated Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire and got some...
I have suffered from delayed sleep phase syndrome since I was a little girl. I am now 46 and suddenly too old to live...
A reader asks:
I have suffered from delayed sleep phase syndrome since I was a little girl. I am now 46...
Do most people respond to light therapy even at the “right time” for phase advances or delays? Does it need to be done at...
A reader asks:
Do most people respond to light therapy even at the "right time" for phase advances or delays? Does...
I have been suffering from chronic insomnia for several years. I have seen every doctor and tried every medication (both prescription and herb) imaginable...
A reader asks:
I have been suffering from chronic insomnia for several years. I have seen every doctor and tried every...
My goals are to regularize my sleep-wake cycle and treat some mild but persistent depression. At your suggestion, I took your Automated Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire...
A reader asks:
My goals are to regularize my sleep-wake cycle and treat some mild but persistent depression. At your suggestion,...
I’m in the midst of a chronobiologic Catch-22: I need to wake up earlier to use my light box (for depression) and to get...
A reader asks:
I'm in the midst of a chronobiologic Catch-22: I need to wake up earlier to use my light...
I am 50 years old and have struggled with insomnia for decades. I can even remember not being able to fall asleep as early...
A reader asks:
I am 50 years old and have struggled with insomnia for decades. I can even remember not being...