About five days ago, I increased the amount of time in front of my light box from 30 to 45 minutes, to try to...
A reader asks:
About five days ago, I increased the amount of time in front of my light box from 30...
Do you have any info on the small, hand-held lighting devices that have recently been marketed? How do they compare with the 10,000 lux...
A reader asks:
Do you have any info on the small, hand-held lighting devices that have recently been marketed? How do...
Will longer exposure to a dimmer light box (say, 7500 lux) accomplish the same effect as 30 minutes at 10,000 lux?
A reader asks:
Will longer exposure to a dimmer light box (say, 7500 lux) accomplish the same effect as 30 minutes...
If someone else is in the room while I am having my light therapy, will it throw off their system?
A reader asks:
If someone else is in the room while I am having my light therapy, will it throw off...
What does happen if you use light too early? Once in a while? Regularly?
A reader asks:
What happens if you use light too early? Once in a while? Regularly?Answer:
Light Exposure & Circadian Clock Resetting
What happens if you do light therapy too early? I have one day a week when I have to leave for work before my...
A reader asks:
What happens if you do light therapy too early? I have one day a week when I have...
I take Neurontin for chemical sensitivity. Do I need to adjust my light therapy use?
A reader asks:
I take Neurontin for chemical sensitivity. Do I need to adjust my light therapy use?Answer:
Neurontin (gabapentin) is an...
I am getting fairly good results with a light box, but because of complicating factors, not as good as I would like. I am...
A reader asks:
I am getting fairly good results with a light box, but because of complicating factors, not as good...
Does the effect of light therapy drop off after a while? I got great results (using all the wrong equipment and angles, not knowing...
A reader asks:
Does the effect of light therapy drop off after a while? I got great results (using all the...
When you say “optimal timing” of light therapy, what do you mean? What makes the timing “optimal”?
A reader asks:
When you say "optimal timing" of light therapy, what do you mean? What makes the timing "optimal"?Answer:
The timing...