Where in my area can I find help planning the schedule I need to treat delayed sleep phase syndrome once I get the lamps?...

A reader asks: Where in my area can I find help planning the schedule I need to treat delayed sleep phase...

Can light therapy be useful for depression that is not related to seasonal change, i.e., major depressive episodes, cycling/chronic depression?

A reader asks: Can light therapy be useful for depression that is not related to seasonal change, i.e., major depressive episodes,...

I’m in the midst of a chronobiologic Catch-22: I need to wake up earlier to use my light box (for depression) and to get...

A reader asks: I'm in the midst of a chronobiologic Catch-22: I need to wake up earlier to use my light...

 What is your opinion about the safety and efficacy of green light boxes? …

A reader asks:  What is your opinion about the safety and efficacy of green light boxes? A manufacturer cites some research...

I have decided to stop using the light and have not used it for 4-5 days now. I am still waking up at 5...

A reader asks: I have decided to stop using the light and have not used it for 4-5 days now. I...

The morningness-eveningness questionnaire (AutoMEQ) indicated my melatonin onset as 9:45 p.m. and my ideal light therapy session time as 6:30 a.m. I usually sleep...

A reader asks: The morningness-eveningness questionnaire (AutoMEQ) indicated my melatonin onset as 9:45 p.m. and my ideal light therapy session time...

Would light therapy be effective for a person who is totally blind? Some people with blindness seem to have mood swings with the seasons....

A reader asks: Would light therapy be effective for a person who is totally blind? Some people with blindness seem to...

My goals are to regularize my sleep-wake cycle and treat some mild but persistent depression. At your suggestion, I took your Automated Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire...

A reader asks: My goals are to regularize my sleep-wake cycle and treat some mild but persistent depression. At your suggestion,...

My 16-year-old daughter is perpetually tired, even though she sleeps well and gets plenty of it. She goes to bed at 9 at night...

A reader asks:  My 16-year-old daughter is perpetually tired, even though she sleeps well and gets plenty of it. She goes...

I bought CET’s recommended light box in early November and can’t even begin to describe what a wonderful addition to my life it has...

A reader asks: I bought CET's recommended light box in early November and can't even begin to describe what a wonderful...

I want to help! ❤️